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Wall Washer Series
LED wall washer is also called LED linear light because of its long strip shape
As the name suggests, let the light wash through the wall like water. Mainly used for architectural decoration lighting, and also often used to outline the outline of large buildings
The power of a single LED bead is mostly 1W high-power chips, and then high-efficiency lenses are used to achieve different light distribution angle requirements
Common power: 9W, 12W, 15W, 18W, 24W, 36W
Length dimensions (mm): 300, 500, 600, 900, 1000, 1200, 1500
Protection level: IP65-IP67
Power supply voltage: DC24, DC12
Ningbo Geosun Technology Co.,Ltd
Add: Dajiahe Town, Ninghai County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province
Tel: 86-574-65159168   86-574-65159698
Fax: 86-574-65159231